Why do you broadcast with non-Muslim women? Is that religiously appropriate?
The duty of a Muslim is to summon everyone to Islamic moral values and to tell everyone of Allah's infinite might and power. A Muslim will preach to people of all beliefs, for example, to Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus, and to atheists. He will speak of the proofs of Allah's creation in the universe, of the moral values of the Qur’an and of the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (saas). Our Prophet (saas) also invited people of all beliefs to Islam in his own day, treated them with compassion and patiently told them of the moral values of Islam by embodying its superior virtues. And we host people of all faiths and beliefs on our program. We strive to show them, in both words and deeds, the beauties of Islamic moral values and how a true Muslim should be. The aim of preaching the word is to invite people who know nothing about Islamic moral values to truth and beauty. If an incorrect conception along the lines of “I will not speak to or meet with people who do not live by Islam” is adopted, then one fails to properly discharge the duty of preaching made obligatory for all Muslims in the Qur’an.
In the time of our Prophet (saas), Muslims and the Companions described our faith to people with all kinds of different life styles. Our Prophet (saas) used to preach to women with uncovered heads in the Market of ‘Ukaz.It is described in detail in the Qur’an how the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) preached to Belkis, the queen of Sheba. Therefore, the belief that a Muslim should not speak to, meet with or preach to women who do not cover their heads is a false one with no place in Qur’anic moral values.
Why do the women who appear on your broadcasts all look like one another, and are all very beautiful? And why are the men all very handsome?
If you look closely at the ladies in the broadcasts you will see they do not really resemble one another much physically. The reason why they give the impression of resembling one another is that they all possess the same Islamic moral values and the same superiority, quality and beauty in their behavior, speech and reactions that befit a Muslim woman. In verse 29 of Suratal-Fath Allah says of Muslims that “...Their mark is on their faces.” In other words, one of a Muslim’s most distinctive features is the expression on their face. Muslims have an expression of calm and trustworthiness in their faces, stemming from the cleanliness of their conscience and moral values, and a radiance and quality unique to them alone in their expressions and faces. This expression, which is rare in other people, causes Muslims to resemble one another in expression and appearance, even if their physical features are actually very different.
How do you justify music being played and dancing in front of people in religious terms?
A Muslim will make the finest use of all the blessings Allah makes lawful for him because Allah has made the blessings of this world lawful for Muslims. Music and dance are among the blessings of paradise made lawful according to Islam. It is Allah Who creates music, songs, all musical instruments, fine clothes, adornments, dance and all lovely things. Human beings have been made to love all these things, Allah has created the soul such as to delight in these beauties. Muslims will make the best use of these blessings, within the sphere of what is lawful, while in the hereafter they will delight in them for all eternity in paradise.
It is described in the Torah how the Prophet David (pbuh) sang songs to the accompaniment of castanets, harps, lyres, timbrels, sistrums and cymbals,and danced before Allah. It is even said that there were people who envied this dancing of the Prophet David (pbuh). It is the bigot mindset that deprives Muslims of dance, music, beauty, art and science and portrays them as unlawful. Depicting these blessings as unlawful is part of a plot against Islam.
A Muslim is someone who most deserves all beauties in the life of this world. So long as there are no expressions against religion and spiritual matters in song lyrics, music is a beauty that encourages love of Allah, and opens up and eases the heart. Music and dance are blessings in daily life. In addition, the music and dance in our programs taking place at the same time as we talk about the Qur’an, politics or other matters shows that life goes hand in hand with religion, and that religion governs all aspects of life.
Is it appropriate, according to the Qur’an, for a woman to wear so much make-up?
One of the greatest characteristics of Muslims is that they are very high quality, clean and well-groomed. Muslim men and Muslim women must be the best dressed, the most classy-looking, the best-groomed and the most enlightened and modern people in the world. And make-up is one lawful way of looking well-groomed and beautiful. Women used to wear make-up in the time of our Prophet (saas) too. But they did this by making use of the means available at the time. Muslim women at the time used blusher, kohl and lipstick and dyed their hands and nails with henna and their hair with special dyes.
Accounts describe how ladies in the time of our Prophet (saas) dyed their hands and nails with henna instead of wearing nail polish and that our Prophet (saas) himself encouraged women to do this.
How much make-up to use is entirely a matter of personal choice. Some people think they look good with a lot of make-up, while others prefer to use less. It is an entirely personal question. No standard was established during the time of our Prophet (saas) either. Nobody knows how much kohl our Prophet (saas) used, nor what the criterion he applied was.
Can women be leaders according to the Qur’an?
According to the Qur’an, women can be leaders and administrators and judges. Allah creates His servants to be equal. Women and men are equal in Islam. Superiority lies not in whether one is a man or a woman, but in one’s piety. Indeed, women are entitled to be perfect rulers because they are created to be more sensitive in certain regards, as entities whose compassionate aspects are more pronounced and who live by a profound love and affection, and also in terms of the establishment of justice.
But under the bigot mindset, women are despised and treated with contempt. The perverse idea that women cannot be trusted and that their every word need to be treated with suspicion predominates in bigotry. The Qur’an totally eliminates this perverse way of thinking. In the Qur’an women are described as valuable servants to be respected, whose words are to be trusted and who need to be tended carefully, like plants. Allah absolves women from all kinds of hard work, provides ways of easing their burden on all subjects. Women are protected and watched over in all spheres. Those who claim that the Qur’an addresses men and that this makes men superior fail to interpret the Qur’an properly. The Qur’an imposes more responsibilities on men because of the value attached to women. This is a blessing for women. Allah has issued several special commandments so that women can be at ease and live pleasant lives. This shows the value placed on women in the Sight of Allah, not the superiority of men.
The Queen of Sheba whom the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) invited to his palace and preached to occupies an important place in the Qur’an.The Queen of Sheba rules in her community. She is both a commander and a judge and a leader. The verses concerning the Queen of Sheba are some of the finest evidence in the Qur’an about women being capable of being leaders. These verses show how all the officials and troops in the state obeyed and were commanded by a woman.
Why are the women in your broadcasts blonde?
There are dark-haired women and red-haired women as well as blondes among the women who appear on our program. The color hair is entirely a matter of their own personal choice. Blonde is an attractive color chosen by many women in the world and that suits them very well. Women used to dye their hair with henna and katam in the time of our Prophet (saas). There are also many hadiths to the effect that our Prophet (saas) had a particular liking for blonde hair. Many Muslim women therefore like and prefer this color of which our Prophet (saas) was so fond.
Is it proper, in religious terms, for a man to compliment a woman?
Loving, remembering and praising Allah is the greatest blessing in this world. Muslims regard an attractive person, a cute child, a flower, an animal or any other attractive entity as a manifestation of Allah. They praise them in order to praise Allah, out of their love of Allah. Allah recommends that beauty be praised in the Qur’an. Allah compares women to flowers and praises them in the Qur’an. That is also a compliment addressed to women. Loving beauty and expressing that love in the best language is a characteristic of a Muslim. The opposite, ignoring beauty in people, women, children or plants, and failing to speak of them, is incompatible with Muslim moral values.
The attributes of the Mahdi match you very closely, you seem to be hinting at yourself, is that not incompatible with the faith?
People may hold suspicions or wishful assumptions that I am the Mahdi stemming from my physical features. When we look at the physical descriptions of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the hadiths there is indeed a very close resemblance. My face and the features of my body do, it is true, closely resemble the descriptions. I am an honest man, and I say I bear a close resemblance. But thatdoes not mean I have to be claiming to be the Mahdi. According to the Qur’an, a Muslim cannot say he is the Mahdi. It is unlawful to make such a claim because a person may go to paradise or to hell. If a person says he is the Mahdi, he is claiming to be destined for paradise. Revelation is needed for someone to claim to be the Mahdi. And since, according to the Qur’an, no new book or prophet with a book will appear, it is impossible for me to make such a claim. Such a claim means the person making it has abandoned the faith and cannot be a Muslim. But of course, all Muslims would wish to be a Mahdi. Being a Mahdi is a great blessing. A Muslim will want to be a saint and to go to paradise. But he cannot claim to be the Mahdi.
I am not the Mahdi and make no claim to be a Mahdi. I will never make such a claim. I have sworn in the name of Allah never to make such a claim so long as I live. But I explicitly state that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has appeared. Bediüzzaman Said Nursi’s statements on the subject, the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) and the indications in the Qur’an all make it crystal clear the Mahdi has come.
You generally wear foreign designer labels, is it permissible in our faith to do something that non-Muslims do?
There is no bigoted, conservative conception of Islam in the Qur’an. Muslims are worthy of the finest music, entertainment, pleasant homes, good food and agreeable surroundings. Allah says in the Qur’an that, "They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment.” (Surat al-A’raf, 32).
But bigots think that Muslims should always go around in a wretched state and dress very badly. Bigots are badly groomed and opposed to all forms of art and beauty. In bigots’ eyes, a Muslim cannot be high quality, modern, immaculate and spotless. Yet the prophets and companions were the highest quality, most modern and cleanest people of their time. The Qur’an advises and encourages us to be like that, too.
There is no basis to the idea that a Muslim cannot use foreign labels. That is utter bigotry, depicting lawful things as unlawful. And that logic is impossible to apply in practice. That is because people who live illicit lifestyles, make unjust earning, employ interest or perform unlawful actions may be employed in the production of many products used in daily life. Or there may be people who engage in an unlawful lifestyle where they live, study or work, and whose behavior is incompatible with the morality of the Qur’an. According to that logic, no product could be used at all. And there is nothing at all logical about that.
Why did you choose to call your channel A9?
A9 TV is a channel established by our brothers, people who like us very much. Everyone tries to discover a meaning behind the name A9. It is the name chosen, because that is what it had to be in destiny. But of course there is much wisdom behind the name A9. For example, Bediüzzaman Said Nursi says, “He sent ... to the fronts of those nine foes. By Allah's Will, He will demolish them.” The Mahdi has nine virtues. And since we are followers of the Mahdi, A9 may be a symbolic expression of that longing for that beauty. Hazrat Ali (ra) also makes a sign of nine with his hand when talking about the Mahdi. It may be a reference to that, too. There are illustrations from Pharaoh’s time resembling A9 emblem. There is also a close similarity in Masonic symbols. Three or four thousand years ago, Allah inspired them with the knowledge that A9 would demolish the system of the antichrist and irreligious philosophies. Then again, the name of Allah begins with the letter A. The name A9 is meaningful in all these regards. Many other meanings could also be produced.
You criticize people very harshly. How do you explain that in terms of the Qur’an?
I am a very moderate and reasonable person. I behave in the most just manner, based on the Qur’an. Everyone around me knows me. Even if I encounter the most hostile and antagonistic of people I will still behave humanely, respectfully and moderately, in agreement with the Qur’an. But of course a Muslim will develop feelings of rancor in the face of determined and persistent statements in opposition to the Qur’an or that are intended to denigrate Islam. That is commanded by the Qur’an. But not in the sense of becoming angry or irritable. According to the Qur’an, rancor produces feelings of fervor and excitement. When one speaks with the fervor that stems from rancor, that is also known as al-hamiyyatal-Islamiyya (the sense of protecting and defending Islam), it may appear harsh to some people. But I am a very compassionate, affectionate, moderate and forgiving kind of person. I speak sincerely and honestly. I never lack good manner or respect because the Qur’an commands us to have those moral values.
Is your having web sites opposed to you closed down not a contravention of freedom of ideas?
According to the Qur’an, people must enjoy freedom of ideas. Everyone is free to think as he wishes. Everyone can freely express what he thinks. Nobody has to agree with anyone else’s idea, and nobody can impose his ideas on anyone else. My colleagues and I are on the side of freedom of ideas right to the bitter end. But freedom of ideas needs to be implemented within the bounds of mutual affection and respect. Everyone can criticize everyone else on the basis of intellectual and moral criteria. But nobody has the right to insult anyone else. It is important for everyone for that right to be protected. Individual rights are protected under the law, and defamation is defined as a legal offense. No civilized society can regard insulting other people as freedom.
The sites about which closure rulings were issued are sites that contained insulting expressions in the texts they carried or else in comments from readers. The administrators in charge of the sites are sent warnings by lawyers time and time again. They are asked to remove those insulting expressions. But the administrators of some sites fail to heed those warnings. In that case, we have no alternative but to resort to legal means. The judicial bodies we appeal to find our complaints justified. They regard those insults as a violation of human rights and rule that those sites should be closed for a certain period of time. In conclusion, that is the ruling of the courts.
Is the question of the Mahdi really so urgent when there are so many other subjects that need to be discussed in today’s society?
I concentrate so specifically on the global reign of Islamic moral values and the system of the Mahdi because that is what Qur’anic moral values demand. And speaking of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and telling Muslims of the glad tidings of his coming is at the same time the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas). Allah reveals in the Qur’an that all Muslims have a responsibility to strive for the reign of Islamic moral values. There are many verses on that subject. And, by the law of Allah, there has always been a spiritual leader, at every time in history, who has guided Muslims and led them in preaching the true faith. In the End Times, it is Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) who will guide Muslims to the moral values of the Qur’an and to guidance, and who will gather them all together under a single roof. Our Prophet (saas) foretold this in trustworthy hadiths 1400 years ago. Our Prophet (saas) emphasizes the importance of the subject quite explicitly in the hadiths. And he reveals that Muslims must also raise the subject and inform other people of it.
If the Mahdi were a trivial matter not worth concentrating on, then for one thing we would not see it in the words of our Prophet (saas). On the contrary, however, our Prophet (saas) personally regarded the subject as a most important one, and also encouraged all Muslims, at all times, to bring it up. I follow the advice of our Prophet (saas) and tell Muslims of the glad tidings of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and make people acquainted with him.
In addition to our Prophet (saas), all great Islamic scholars over the last 1400 years have also told Muslims of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Each one has devoted wide space to the subject in his works. Sunni experts on the hadiths and the imams of the schools have also attached enormous importance to the Mahdi. They have elaborated on the subject in detail in their works. The great Islamic scholar Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, the spiritual guide of the 13th Islamic century who also foretold the glad tidings of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), devoted hundreds of pages in his works to the coming of the Mahdi (pbuh).
Is the clothing worn by the ladies on your programs appropriate in the eyes of the faith?
A Muslim, man or woman, it makes no difference, always takes great care over their appearance, and will be well dressed and spotless. Our Prophet (saas) and those around him always dressed very well, both when preaching and in their daily lives, and chose the best quality clothing to wear.
Also, there is no compulsion in Islam. We respect everyone’s opinions and ideas. Our lady colleagues dress as they please, in line with their beliefs. They can cover their heads or not, as they wish, and can dress as they please. They can cover up or wear make-up, it makes no difference. But for us they are all luminous and worthy Muslims. We cannot discriminate between them.
Why do you talk to Jews and Christians?
It is essential to talk in order to prevent the artificial tensions that some people are trying to establish between Muslims and Christians and Jews, and to ensure that peace prevails in the region.
Muslims and Jews are both the children of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), one being descended from Ishmael and the other from Jacob. It is therefore meaningless and inappropriate for there to be conflict between them or for them to refuse to speak to one another. What is compatible with the Qur’an and the hadiths is for our Jewish and Christian brothers to be watched over and protected in the best way, as in the time of our Prophet (saas). Some people misinterpret the reference in the Qur’an to “not taking the Jews and Christians as your guides.”What the verse means is, “do not make Jews and Christians your rulers.” And the naturally desirable thing, in terms of public peace, is for there to be a Muslim leader in Muslim societies, a Christian leader in Christian ones and a Jewish leader in Jewish ones. Otherwise, Jews and Christians are our brothers in the world, and we love, respect, and watch over and protect them.
At a time of such corruption, when we are having martyrs every day, you have fun accompanied by music on your programs, you make jokes and you laugh. How do you explain that in terms of religion?
For one thing, a Muslim surrenders his life and assets to Allah. Martyrdom on the path of Allah is therefore an instrument of great rejoicing, a great honor. It is not reason for grieving. Weeping over our martyrs means failing to see that beauty, rejecting it, and therefore is not observant of the respect due to Allah.
It is not right to see the reports of martyrs and then expect people to suffer and grieve and lose hope, fear and go into mourning because of them. Allah describes the martyrs as “delighting in the favor Allah has bestowed on them...” (SurahAl ‘Imran, 170) in one verse. In other words, martyrs are given all kinds of blessings and experience great joy, insha’Allah. Since they are happy, their families must be happy, too. Our fellow citizens must also rejoice. It is very wrong to weep over our martyrs and expect others to grieve as well, when the martyrs themselves are very happy.
If one wishes to oppose wrongdoing, then one needs to engage in activities that will strengthen solidarity among Muslims and encourage Islamic Unity. One cannot get anywhere by weeping and grieving.
Why do you always produce programs with women, rather than with men?
Women are the adornments of the world. Woman is one of the greatest blessings created by Allah in this world. Women’s beauty and mildness greatly delight the soul. I also really enjoy talking with women. I really open up when there is a woman in front of me. It is disgraceful for some people to regard that as peculiar and to adopt a policy that excludes women.
Where can I obtain your books?
www.bookglobal.net is the official web site for the sale of the works of Harun Yahya. You can order works in all available languages from this site. If you prefer to purchase books from the country you live in rather than over the Internet you can find contact information for companies that distribute the author's works worldwide from the second address given above.
I live abroad. Can I find your works in foreign languages here, or do I have to order them from Turkey?
If you live abroad you need to contact the following:
www.bookglobal.net is the official web site for the sale of the works of Harun Yahya. You can order works in all available languages from this site. If you prefer to purchase books from the country you live in rather than over the Internet you can find contact information for companies that distribute the author's works worldwide from the second address given above.
I live abroad. How can I subscribe to your magazine? What are your terms?
The terms for overseas readers subscribing to our current magazine Ilmi Mercek and Ilmi Arastirma are as follows: We can send you the magazine every month by DHL. Delivery charges will be around 15 Euros a month. We can set this up if you send your address and phone number to workwithus@harunyahya.com
I live abroad, and I would like to translate and publish your works. Can you be of help?
Thank you very much for your offer. We would be delighted if you would contact us on workwithus@harunyahya.com telling us which language you are thinking of translating into and how you intend to publish, as well as a phone number we can contact you on.
Can you tell me something about your other Internet sites?
We currently have more than 700 sites, including those which have been translated into foreign languages. You can find links to sites which are translated into English from the "Web Sites" section on www.harunyahya.com homepage.
I placed a link to your web site from my own. I would also like you to put my website's link on yours for introductory purposes.
We would like to express our pleasure at your providing a link to sites containing the works of Harun Yahya. However, we are unable as a matter of principle to host other sites on the homepages of our pages sites as these are devoted solely to the works of Harun Yahya. This is nothing personal, merely a general decision. We trust that you will understand. However, we do post all web site addresses with links to our own site on our links page. You can reach that page website on: http://www.harunyahyaimpact.com/internet_dn.php
Why do you never carry any advertising on your web sites?
Harun Yahya's aim is to relate the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saws) to readers in order to gain the good pleasure of Allah, and he wishes for no material reward in doing so. No financial requests are therefore made on any of the sites inspired by the works of Harun Yahya. The reason why there is no advertising on these sites is because no material profits are desired.
I have subscribed to your site but I don't receive any bulletins.
Our bulletins are sent to subscribers once a month. If you have only recently subscribed to our site, our bulletin will reach you within a month. Another reason why you have not received our bulletins may be that the e-mail address you have given ends with the suffix mynet.com. If you have subscribed to our bulletins with an e-mail ending in mynet.com there may have been a problem with this provider not permitting the bulletins to be sent. Please re-subscribe using a different e-mail. If neither of the above applies, but you are still unable to receive bulletins, again, please re-subscribe. A spelling error or momentary technical failure during the subscription process may have meant your request failed to be registered.
Why do you not set up a TV station? You could introduce your works more effectively by doing so.
You can reach works of Harun Yahya via our official site en.harunyahya.tv
Our satellite tv channel A9 is also broadcasting programs and Adnan Oktar's (Harun Yahya's) conversations live daily.
Could you please send me the text of the Qur'an?
The Yusuf Ali translation of the English text of the Holy Qur'an is to be found on the www.harunyahya.com homepage. You can also download it onto your own computer from here
Can you send me a list of world Freemasons?
Harun Yahya shares all his ideas on the subject of Freemasonry with his readers in his works. You can therefore learn what you wish to know about the Freemasons by reading the relevant works. You can download these for free from here
Why do you concentrate so much on the theory of evolution?
The reason why the author devotes a special section to the collapse of the theory of evolution in all of his works and has written several books on evolution is that the theory constitutes the foundation of all forms of anti-religious philosophy. Darwinism, rejecting creation, and therefore the existence of Allah, has over the last 150 years caused a great many people to lose their faith in Allah or fall prey to doubt. It is therefore a most important obligation of faith to reveal that the theory is actually deceptive. It is essential that this service be placed at the disposal of all.
Can you teach me to perform the daily prayers?
We kindly ask you to consult the official Mufti in your country about the subject.
May I learn the author's ideas on
We can read the book "Maryam: An Exemplary Muslim Woman" by Harun Yahya which describes the common woman's character as seen in unbelieving societies and analyze how this erroneous character became established. In addition, it explores Maryam's character, whom Allah raised above all other women and thereby define the ideal Muslim woman's character.
I have written a book and would like you to publish it. Can you help?
You need to speak directly to the publisher, since book publishing is really their concern. It is technically not possible for us to be of any assistance in publishing your book. We hope you'll understand.
In your books you say that everything is an illusion. Doesn't that conflict with religion?
You may want to examine our www.secretbeyondmatter.com web site and the page www.secretbeyondmatter.com/repliestoobjections.html, which are prepared based on the works of Harun Yahya. You will find the answers to all your questions about this subject.
There are websites on the Internet acting against Islam. Are you doing anything about this?
All works of Harun Yahya contain the response to these websites and other antagonistic ideas.
I join Internet forums where anti-Islamic activities are being carried out and try to respond to them. Do you, too, join such forums and respond to chats hostile to religion?
All works of Harun Yahya contain the response to these websites and other antagonistic ideas. If you wish, you can recommend the works of Harun Yahya when you join these forums. In addition, you can visit our www.servingislam.com site and help to the best of your means by reading the texts there.
Have you ever thought of setting up a forum on your site?
We have no plans to set up a forum on our website. Since as well as beneficial subjects a great many matters are bound to be raised that will just cause people to waste their time, contributing to such an environment would not be compatible with the moral values of the Qur'an. In one verse Allah has revealed:
(It is the believers) who turn away from worthless talk. (Surat al-Muminun, 3)
I am carrying out scientific studies. Can you provide any material support?
We would like to state that we sincerely support your scientific studies. However, it is not at the moment possible for us to be of any material assistance in such studies. We hope for your understanding on this matter.
I think that you are mistaken with regard to the return of Prophet 'Isa (Jesus) to the Earth.
We would advise you to visit Harun Yahya's www.jesuswillreturn.com web site and in particular to read the chapter headed "The Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus" on http://www.jesuswillreturn.com/signs/signs_index.html. We hope there will be no questions left in your mind on this subject once you read these.
I read your works and encourage others to do so. What else can I do for you?
It is most gratifying that you read the works and are a means whereby others also do so. As for what else you can do, our www.servingislam.com website has a great many suggestions as to how readers from all walks of life can serve Islam. God willing you will find some that suit you.
I want to translate the author's works. What is the best way to do that?
Please send an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com specifying your telephone number and which language you want to translate from or into. If you cannot provide a telephone number, we can then get in touch with you by e-mail.
I am a web page designer. How can I help?
Thank you very much for your interest to assist us . If you send an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com our representatives will get back to you. In addition, we also hope you can be of help in the light of the ideas on our www.servingislam.com site if you would care to visit it. You could, if you wish, prepare a website consisting of the works of Harun Yahya.
I copy and distribute your works. What else can I do?
We suggest you visit our www.servingislam.com site for ideas, in the light of which we will believe you will find ways to serve Islam.
I would like to become a representative to sell your works in the country/city where I live. How can I go about this?
We would ask you to send us an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com giving a phone number and some information about the kind of activity you wish to engage in. If you cannot give a phone number our representatives will get back to you by e-mail.
I am a radio programme-maker. I would like to devote space in my programme to your works. Can you send me some of your audio material?
We would ask you if possible to send us an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com giving a phone number and details of what you would like to do. If it is not possible to give a phone number, our colleagues will get back to you by e-mail.
I am a TV programme-maker. I would like to air your works. Can you send me some?
We would ask you if possible to send us an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com giving a phone number and details of what you would like to do. If it is not possible to give a phone number our colleagues will get back to you by e-mail.
I want to open a stand in my store for your works. How can I obtain some?
We would ask you if possible to send us an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com giving a phone number and details of what you would like to do. If it is not possible to give a phone number our colleagues will get back to you by e-mail.
Do you have any objections to our printing the downloaded works and distributing them?
Since Harun Yahya publishes his works solely for the good pleasure of Allah with no expectation of any material gains, we would be pleased if you distribute his works. We would, however, request you to acknowledge the source when so doing. Selling them at any price whatsoever, however, is only possible with our permission and by our authorization. This is essential if our services are to be maintained and increased at a higher quality. Otherwise legal measures may have to be resorted to.
May we copy CDs and sell them at a trifling cost?
Since Harun Yahya publishes his works solely for the good pleasure of Allah with no expectation of any material gains. You can download these films from the Internet, watch them or show them to others. Selling them at any price whatsoever, however, is only possible with our permission and by our authorization. Only our official distributors or companies with which our official distributors work are authorised to reproduce and sell our works. This is essential if our services are to be maintained and increased at a higher quality. Otherwise legal measures may have to be resorted to.
I wish to include your works on my site. Do I have your permission?
You can include whichever of the works of Harun Yahya you wish on your site, and we would like you to know that this will give us great pleasure. We would, however, request you to acknowledge their source and to make no alterations to them. We would be delighted to visit your site if you would let us have the address once it is up and running.
Why doesn't Harun Yahya attend conferences personally?
Harun Yahya prefers for the moment to devote his time primarily to his books. Even though he does not attend them personally, the conferences achieve their aims since their programmes are drawn up on the basis of his works. Harun Yahya has no wish to propel himself to the fore in his works. On the contrary, he prefers to remain out of the spotlight and to achieve his ends by allowing his works' content to be in the foreground.
Do you hold conferences abroad?
Yes, the Foundation does hold conferences abroad. You can find these on the http://harunyahyaconferences.com/ website. Furthermore, if you subscribe to the www.harunyahya.com website occasional bulletins about conferences abroad will be e-mailed to you regularly.
Can I become a member of the Science Research Foundation?
The Science Research Foundation does not offer membership in the official sense. However, if, like many readers, you would like to assist us in our work you can support us in such ways as you are able. To that end we recommend you visit the www.servingislam.com web site. Putting into practice any of the choices you will find there, according to your own means, will be most useful in terms of earning the good pleasure of Allah and of the best interests of Islam.
May I get a scholarship from the Foundation?
Since it is not possible, due to the Foundation's procedures, to award scholarships, we cannot help you. We hope for your understanding in that regard.
Which provinces does the SRF have branches in?
The SRF has no branches outside Istanbul.
How can I obtain documentaries?
You can download documentaries free of charge from our website. If you wish to purchase works, we would ask you to apply to www.bookglobal.net
Do you have any objections to my reproducing and distributing documentaries I download?
You can become a local distributor of the works of Harun Yahya. For that purpose please send an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com
Can one find the background music to the documentaries in mp3 form on your site?
Do you have documentaries and audio tapes prepared for children?
You can find all our works prepared for children on the http://www.harunyahya.com/en/53/categories/For_Children webpage. You can also obtain them from the www.bookglobal.net sales site.
How can I obtain books from abroad?
If you live outside Turkey, you need to contact the following site:
www.bookglobal.net is the official web site for the sale of the works of Harun Yahya. You can order works in all available languages from this site. If you prefer to purchase books from the country you live in rather than over the Internet, you can find contact information for companies that distribute the author's works worldwide from the second address given above.
Can I find the author's books in bookshops where I live?
You can find contact information regarding distributors and booksellers in various countries on Worldwide Publishers & Distributors of Harun Yahya Books page.
Can you send books to my address free of charge?
As you know, Harun Yahya publishes his works solely for the good pleasure of Allah and makes no material gains from them. Bearing in mind all the stages that need to be gone through up to publication date, you will agree that this involves a great deal of material and spiritual labour. If you also bear in mind the fact that we have many readers all over the world who request our books free of charge, you will appreciate that this is not possible. The works are sold at the most reasonable possible prices established by the publishing houses, who have also initiated a number of sales campaigns. We would therefore request you to make use of these avenues to obtain the works.
You can find all our books on our web site www.harunyahya.com with their full texts, and freely download them. You can also order them from our web site www.bookglobal.net. Thank you for your kind interest.
Do you donate books free of charge to libraries, schools, societies and similar bodies?
As you know, Harun Yahya publishes his works solely for the approval of Allah and makes no material gains from them. Bearing in mind all the stages that need to be gone through up to publication date, you will agree that this requires a great deal of material and spiritual labour. If you also bear in mind the fact that we have many readers who would request our books free of charge from all over the world, you will appreciate that this is unfortunately not possible. The works are sold at the lowest possible prices established by the publishing houses, who have also initiated a number of sales campaigns. We would therefore request you to make use of these avenues to obtain the works.
You can find all our books from our web site www.harunyahya.com with their full texts and freely download them. You can also order them from our web sitewww.bookglobal.net. Thank you for your kind interest.
Do you offer discounts for people wishing to buy the complete set of books?
Sales are the concern of the publishing houses, which offer a variety of opportunities. There are also a number of sales campaigns regarding bulk purchases on our official sales address www.bookglobal.com. We believe that you will find an appropriate purchase facility at that address.
Do you have any books prepared for children?
There are a number of works by Harun Yahya aimed specially at children. You can find these on the http://www.harunyahya.com/en/53/categories/For_Childrenwebpage. Our other sites we can recommend for children are:
How many works has the author written to date?
The number of Turkish-language works so far written by the author is more than 300. All of these can be found on the www.harunyahya.org andwww.harunyahya.net web sites. A large number of these works have also been translated into foreign languages. These can be found on thewww.harunyahya.com web site.
Which languages have these books been translated into?
These books have been translated into many languages, including English, German, French, Arabic, Russian and Spanish, and translation work is still being carried out. Other languages works have been translated into include Italian, Albanian, Serbo-Croatian, Indonesian, Flemish, Malay, Urdu, Chinese, Japanese, Uigur, Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Danish, Dari, Divehi, Farsi, Finnish, Hausa, Croatian, Hindi, Swedish, Kyrgyz, Kiswahili, Korean, Polish, Hungarian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian, Uzbek, Portuguese, Punjabi, Pashto, Romanian, Sinhalese, Sindhi, Somali, Tajik, Tamil, Thai and Yoruba.
Why does the author use the seal of our Prophet (saws) in all of his works?
The symbolic meaning for the use by the author of the seal of our Prophet (saws) on the cover of his books is linked to their contents. This represents that the Qur'an is the last book and the last word of Allah, and our Prophet Muhammad (saws) is the last of His messengers. Under the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet [saws]), the author makes it his purpose to disprove each fundamental tenet of godless ideologies and to have the "last word," so as to completely silence the objections raised against religion. He uses the seal of the final Prophet (saws), who attained ultimate wisdom and moral perfection, as a prayer of his intention to offer the last word.
What is the purpose behind the author's writing so many books?
The author's aim is to attain the good pleasure of Allah and to introduce to everyone the moral values Allah is pleased with. In every one of his works, the author explains the moral values Allah revealed in the Qur'an to all His servants, in the light of the verses and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saws). Apart from these, the author has no worldly expectations or intention of any material gain. Indeed, the fact that he makes all of his works available to readers free of charge on the Internet and allows the copying, reproduction and distribution of these without claiming any right is a clear proof of that intention.
Why does the author devote space to evolution in all his works, without exception?
The reason why the author devotes special section to the collapse of the theory of evolution in all his works is that the theory constitutes the foundation of all forms of anti-religious philosophy. Darwinism, rejecting creation, and therefore the existence of Allah, has over the last 140 years caused a great many people to lose their faith in Allah or fall prey to doubt. It is therefore a most important obligation of faith to reveal that the theory is actually deceptive. It is essential that this service be placed at the disposal of all. The author considers it appropriate to devote a section of every book, albeit in summary, to this subject, bearing in mind that some readers may read only one of his books.
How is it possible that one individual can write so many books?
From Adnan Oktar's live interview in Başkent TV (January 23, 2009): "I have a group of friends consisting of 30 people. They speak English, French, German, Russian; there are people speaking almost all languages; and most of them are assistant professors and assistants. I have a team of friends. They translate such works, prepare them and bring them to me in the form of information ready-for-use. They bring all photographs and documents, all of them. I only make the comments and the connections. And these friends of mine do not write them actually; they also find them as quotations… For instance, this Atlas of Creation of mine is made up of quotations taken from the scientists all over the world. Little space is devoted to the comment part. I am the one making these comment parts. And consequently this is a team-work."
Does Harun Yahya know Arabic? How does he interpret the verses?
Harun Yahya does have knowledge of Arabic. In addition, however, there is a team who translates the works of Harun Yahya into some 20 languages, including Arabic. This team offers him assistance with translation on all matters during the preparation of the books.
Why does Adnan Oktar use a pen-name?
Adnan Oktar's sole aim in writing his works is to call people to the Qur'an and the exemplary moral values of our Prophet (saws).
Moreover, Adnan Oktar has no wish to propel himself, as an individual, into the limelight. He is not the sort of person who enjoys advertising himself. Indeed, the way that he employs a pen-name instead of his real name is evidence of this.
Moreover, Adnan Oktar has no wish to propel himself, as an individual, into the limelight. He is not the sort of person who enjoys advertising himself. Indeed, the way that he employs a pen-name instead of his real name is evidence of this.
One reason why the author uses a pen name is to recall, as a sign of respect, the names of two prophets who fought against infidelity.
We would like to state that Adnan Oktar receives important invitations from all over the world, and is invited to speak at conferences, although he prefers not to accept any of these. All this is the result of his preferring to remain personally in the background.
Neither does Adnan Oktar have any need to propel himself into the limelight. He himself always says, "there is no need for me or my name to be known, what matters is what I have to say in my works," and his sincerity in this thinking is demonstrated in his own life. Indeed, just like the well-known Turkish Islamic scholar Said Nursi, he wishes his grave to remain secret when the time comes.
Can I speak to Harun Yahya on the telephone?
Since Harun Yahya is very busy with his books it is not possible for him to speak on the telephone with all his readers one by one. However, you can always forward your requests or messages by e-mail.
Who is Harun Yahya?
![]() Adnan Oktar Read His Life Story |
Born in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar is a prominent Turkish intellectual. Completely devoted to moral values and dedicated to communicating the sacred values he cherishes to other people, Oktar started his intellectual struggle in 1979 during his education at Mimar Sinan University's Academy of Fine Arts. During his university years, he carried out detailed research into the prevalent materialistic philosophies and ideologies around him, to the extent of becoming even more knowledgeable about them than their advocates. As a result of his accumulation of knowledge, he has written various books on the damages caused by Darwinism and, the fallacy of the theory of evolution. Quoting from the 22 April 2000 issue of New Scientist, Mr. Oktar became an international hero in communicating the fallacy of the theory of evolution and the fact of creation. The author has also produced various works on Zionist racism and Freemasonry and their negative effects on world history and politics. Besides these, Oktar has written more than two hundred books describing the morals of the Qur'an and faith related issues.
His pen-name, Harun Yahya, is formed from the names Harun (Aaron) and Yahya (John) in the esteemed memory of the two Prophets who struggled against infidelity.
![]() Read The Global Impact of the Works of Harun Yahya. |
The Prophet's seal on his books' covers is symbolic and is linked to their contents. It represents that the Qur'an is the last book and the last word of Allah, and our Prophet Muhammad (saws) is the last of His messengers. Under the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet), the author makes it his purpose to disprove each fundamental tenet of godless ideologies and to have the last word, so as to completely silence the objections raised against religion. He uses the seal of the final Prophet (saws), who attained ultimate wisdom and moral perfection, as a prayer for his intention to offer the last word.
All of Harun Yahya's works share one single goal: to convey the Qur'an's message, encourage readers to consider basic faith-related issues such as Allah's Existence and Unity and the hereafter, and to remind some other important issues.
All of Harun Yahya's works share one single goal: to convey the Qur'an's message, encourage readers to consider basic faith-related issues such as Allah's Existence and Unity and the hereafter, and to remind some other important issues.
Harun Yahya enjoys a wide readership in many countries, from India to America, England to Indonesia, Poland to Bosnia, and Spain to Brazil. Some of his books are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Urdu, Arabic, Albanian, Russian, Serbo-Croat (Bosnian), Polish, Malay, Uighur Turkish, and Indonesian.
Greatly appreciated all around the world, these works have been instrumental in many people recovering faith in Allah and gaining deeper insights into their faith. His books' wisdom and sincerity, together with a distinct style that's easy to understand, directly affect anyone who reads them. These books are characterized by rapid effectiveness, definite results, and irrefutability. Each of his works contains undeniable, sincere, plain and corroborated explanations. This is no doubt a result of the wisdom and lucidity that God endowed him with.
With these facts in mind, encouraging others to read these books, which enable them to see what they formerly couldn't and are a means to their becoming truly guided, is an invaluable service.
However, there are some others who, instead of upholding these valuable works, propagate books that create confusion in people's minds, lead them into ideological chaos, and that clearly have no use. Such people should consider the state of the Muslims today and what they suffer; and remember that the only way of saving people from the continuing cruelty and corruption is to live by and disseminate the Qur'an's moral values. They should recognize that, in this effort, the books of Harun Yahya assume a leading role. By the will of Allah, these books will be a means through which people in the twenty-first century will attain the peace, justice, and happiness promised in the Qur'an.
Can we contact the author by e-mail directly?
Due to his intense work on his books Harun Yahya is unable to respond to Internet messages directly. That is why there is no e-mail address on which you can contact him directly. We respond to your questions in the light of his works on behalf of Harun Yahya. However, if there is a matter that you wish to forward to Harun Yahya in personand would like to receive a personal response regarding, we will do our best to be of assistance if you forward it to us. We can forward your message on to him and send you back his reply.
I would like to meet the author in person. How can I do that?
Since Harun Yahya is very busy on his books he is currently unable to receive guests. However, you can meet our other colleagues at conferences held in your country or when you visit Turkey. You can find our conference programmes on the www.harunyahya.com website. If you come to Turkey you can send an e-mail to workwithus@harunyahya.com in order to meet with our representatives.
How realistic are the negative reports about you in the press? Why are so many false allegations made about the author? Is there really nothing to them? Why doesn't the author issue any rebuttals to the negative reports about him on the television or in the press?
Being exposed to unfounded allegations is something that has happened to devout Muslims throughout history. When we read the verses of the Qur'an we see that many slanders have been made against the prophets. The fact that someone is slandered does not, therefore, mean that he is a bad person. In fact, the slanders issued against Muslims generally stem from their intense and powerful activities that attract strong reactions from unbelievers.
Neither does it make any difference whether someone is slandered a lot or a little. That is to say, a lot of slandering does not show that these accusations are real. As Allah tells us in the Qur'an, the prophets, who were chosen, the most honourable and respected servants of Allah, were much slandered, but does that mean there was anything to those slanders? Why should the amount of slanders be of any importance? If someone is only slandered a little does that mean he is a good person, or if someone is slandered a great deal does that necessarily mean he is bad? Certainly, what matters is not the amount of slander. Indeed, a high amount of slander to a Muslim may mean that he is having an enormous power and effect and angering the unbelievers.
We need to look at the allegations made against Harun Yahya in this light. With his works, the author is performing a major service in the way of Allah. This devotion and effect in His service probably makes unbelievers extremely upset.
Look at what Harun Yahya says:
ReplyDelete"It is the bigot mindset that deprives Muslims of dance, music, beauty, art and science and portrays them as unlawful. Depicting these blessings as unlawful is part of a plot against Islam."
Audhubillah! It is ALLAH that made music unlawful, not a bigot mindset. This is a very serious statement he has made. For evidence of it's impermissibility, refer to Sheikh Al-Albani's book: تحريم آلات الطرب
Dear brother did Allah make music unlawful or Sheikh Al-Albani? Can you give me in reference from Holy Quran and Hadith that Allah made all type of music unlawful or only Satanic music?
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Delete@Tausif Ahmed, dear both music and dance are not Haram. Prophet Solomon (pbuh) used both. Lustful staring woman or man to seduce for sex are Haram. See verses...
Delete"Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts..." 24:30
"And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts..." 24:31
Looking woman or man is not forbidden. Staring to seduce them for sex is forbidden. Term private parts (chastity) is mentioned in these verses for both men and women. Looking beauty (Jamal) in creature to find manifestation of Allah is not forbidden. Allah manifests in women with His Names of Al-Lateef [The Gentle, The Subtle] and Al-Jamal [Beauty].
Looking women is not forbidden. In Quran many Prophets (pnut) talked with women. Prophet Muhammad (saas) gave message of Islam to nude women of Mecca in markets. In Medina beautiful women came to prophet learn Islam.
(O Prophet) It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things. [33:52]
We can sit and dance with anyone for a celebration or refreshment or enjoyment or even worshiping Allah in public area in front of others and camera. Sitting or dancing in isolation with Na Muharam can lead to adultery. Therefor Hijab (Partition) is recommended for both man and woman if they met in isolation (privately). We can not talk without Hijab in Isolation then how can we dance? In public men and women can sit together in group without hijab like offices and classes. If there is risky environment where hypocrites and low creatures live who can rape or tease women then Jilbab (outer garment) is recommended for women for protection form hypocrites.
Dancing is not Haram....
Anas (rta) narrates: Black slaves were dancing in front of the Messenger (saas) of God and sang the following words: ‘Muhammad (saas) is a pious person’. The Holy Prophet (saas) [did not understand their utterances] and asked what they were saying. The people replied: ‘they say that Muhammad (saas) is a pious person’. (Ahmad, No: 12562)
Some black slaves were dancing in the presence of the Holy Prophet (saas). They were singing the praise of the Holy Prophet (saas). The Holy Prophet (saas) did not stop them from doing so. He was interested in their performance. This is revealed by his question about their utterances.
The Abyssinians were famous for their love of dancing. The people of Makkah and of other territories of Hijaz would call upon them to perform their special dances and sing songs whenever they would hold joyous ceremonies like marriage, circumcision and other similar festive occasions.
Narrates ‘A’ishah (rta): Once on an ‘Id day the Abyssinian slaves came and started dancing in the mosque. The Holy Prophet (saas) called me. I placed my head on the Holy Prophet’s shoulder and started watching their performance. [The Holy Prophet did not stop me] until I myself got tired of watching them and turned away. (Muslim, No: 892)
Some version of the narrative has the word ‘Qaynat’ (a woman who is a professional singer) instead of ‘Jawari’ (young girls).
Anas Ibn Malik narrates that when the Prophet (sws) passed by a clan of Bani Najjar, he noticed some slave girls were singing on Daff: ‘We are the singers of Bani Najjar. We are lucky enough to have the Prophet (sws) as our neighbour today’. Then the Prophet (sws) said: ‘God knows that my heart feels affection for you people’. (Al-Mu‘jam Al-Saghir, No: 78)
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