Monday, October 2, 2017

Darwinism occupies an official place in the curricula of schools and universities

Darwinism occupies an official place in the curricula of schools and universities in just about every country of the world today. Scientific facts are ignored, and even distorted, and misused, in an effort to use them in favor of evolution, as this outdated theory is kept propped up for ideological reasons.


The fact remains that the theory of evolution is unable to explain how the first living cell or even a single protein could have formed. Not one single transitional form fossil showing that life forms are descended from one another has ever been found from among the more than 350 million fossils discovered to date. If the myths of evolution are to be taught in schools, these facts revealed by science must also be taught. Children and young people need to be educated with the facts revealed by 21st-century science, not pagan teachings left over from Sumerian times.

Yet the Darwinist dictatorship never permits that. Evolution is taught in a compulsory manner, as part of the curriculum, in the school textbooks of just about all countries.

Nonsense such as the myth of giraffes acquiring longer necks as they stretched up to reach higher leaves, the hoax of the industrial melanism and peppered moths, the lie that human beings and monkeys are descended from a common ancestor and the fiction of primitive man living in caves is still taught to young people in Europe as if were scientific fact.

Moreover, young people in Turkic states and even Iran are also educated with these myths of evolution, not just those in European countries.

Ernst Haeckel’s fraudulent embryo drawings, the lie of the existence of fictitious half-reptile and half-bird creatures and the fairy tale of the evolution of the horse are all taught as if they were scientific truth.

Yet young people have no right to demand any supporting evidence in the face of this nonsense!

They have no right to express the facts revealed by science!

They have no right to give the answers shown by science in exams!

No student saying that “... evolution doesn't exist” in biology classes anywhere in the world has the possibility of passing that class!

People with academic careers in fields such as biology, anthropology or paleontology in any country of the world have no possibility of saying “... evolution doesn't exist” and then being promoted!

Although everyone in nearly all countries of the world are well aware that evolution is an outdated myth and an unscientific ideology, all students, teachers, academics and politicians “are forced to sign up to evolution.” People who refuse have to repeat academic years again, are deprived of the right to an education or lose their jobs, and campaigns against them appear in the press.

In short, neither students nor teachers enjoy the right even to question the theory of evolution. Though refuted in the face of scientific developments time and time again, the theory is still portrayed as an absolute truth.

Interestingly, despite this manifest situation, some people are still able to say, “Does Darwinism really exist at all?”. Yes, Darwinism has collapsed scientifically, but efforts are still being made to keep it propped up ideologically. Moreover, this is done through prohibitory, oppressive and fascist policies.

But we are now in the century when all this pressure will come to an end. The sun has now risen and the true illumination of mankind has begun. Even though Darwinists are keeping the drapes tightly drawn and saying “There is no Sun,” people have now seen the light of the truth. This is the century of truth, not of myth. Science will overcome the repressive and prohibitory Darwinist mindset, and the truth will emerge victorious.

Say: “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish.” (Surat al-Isra’, 81)

2012-08-21 14:55:13


  1. From mutating viruses that force researches to develop new drugs to cure them to DNA, which prove a common ancestor to all species and show how gene mutations plus environmental adaptation explain evolution… transitional fossils like Archaeptoryx for the evolution of birds from reptiles, Pakicetus and other amphibious whales… Pezosiren Portelli for the evolution of manatees and dugongs… Tirtalik Roseae representing the transition of vertebrae from water to land… and proving the evolution of the human species there are transitional fossils like Sahelanthtopus Tchadensis, Ardipithecus Ramidus, Homo Rufolphensis, Homo Habilis… while there's no archaeological record about Abraham, Moses, the Exodus…

    1. @Rafael Segura, Thanks for commenting... Here are my replies....

      Common Design, not Common Ancestry.

      The ""99 %"" Myth Is Dead Evolutionists Admit That Humans and Chimps Are Not Genetically Similar:

      The invalidity of the famous Darwinist claim that ''useful mutations do exist.''

      Archaeopteryx Misconception

      Archaeopteryx is a perfect flying bird

      The claim that archaeopteryx is the ancestor of birds is a deception

      Pakicetus inachus

      This blind dedication to Darwinism revealed itself also in a fossil used to support the supposed evolution of the sea mammal manatee. The National Geographic claims that a fossil discovered in Jamaica by the paleontologist Daryl Domning in 2001is the so-called evolutionary ancestor of the manatees. The well-preserved 50 million years old skeleton named Pezosiren portelli is presumed to have belonged to a hippopotamus-like creature. The National Geographic puts forward pro evolution claims on the Pezosiren portelli based entirely on its power of imagination.

      How was Tiktaalik roseae turned into a false intermediate fossil by Darwinists?


    2. The newly-discovered Sahelanthropus tchadensis fossil, another ape species that lived 2 million years before Australopithecus, is actually more "human-like" according to evolutionary criteria. In other words, it demolishes the "evolutionary scheme."

      A Definitive Reply To Evolutionist Propaganda:

      Darwinism Refuted:

      Creatures, named Australopithecus by evolutionists, are actually nothing but an extinct ape species …

      The claim that 'Australopithecus is the ancestor of man' is fraudulent

      Homo Erectus
      Presented as "primitive man" by evolutionists, Homo Erectus is actually a lost human race. The differences between Homo Erectus and us are simply racial differences.


    3. The Importance of the Names on the Ebla Tablets

      The names of the prophets identified in the Ebla tablets are of the greatest importance as this was the first time that they had been encountered in historical documents of such age. This information, dating back to 1500 years before the Torah, was most striking. The appearance in the tablets of the name of the Prophet Abraham recorded that the Prophet Abraham and the religion brought by him had existed before the Torah.

      Historians analyzed the Ebla tablets from this perspective, and this major discovery regarding the Prophet Abraham and his mission became the subject of research with regard to the history of religions. David Noel Freedman, an American archaeologist and researcher into the history of religions, reported, based on his studies, the names of such prophets as Abraham and Ishmael in the tablets.

      Other Names in the Tablets

      As stated above the names in the tablets were those of prophets referred to in the three holy books, and the tablets were far older than the Torah. In addition to these names there were also other subjects and place names in the tablets, from which it can be seen that the Eblaites were very successful traders. The names Sinai, Gaza and Jerusalem, not too distant from Ebla, also appeared in the texts, showing that the Eblaites enjoyed commercial and cultural links with these places.

      One important detail seen in the tablets was the names of the areas of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the people of Lot lived. It is known that Sodom and Gomorrah was a region on the shore of the Dead Sea where the people of Lot lived and where the Prophet Lot communicated his message and called people to live by religious moral values. In addition to these two names, that of the city of Iram, which appears in the verses of the Qur'an, is also among those in the Ebla tablets.

      The most noteworthy aspect of these names is that apart from in the texts communicated by the prophets, they had never before appeared in any other text. This is important documentary evidence showing that reports of the prophets who communicated the message of the one true religion at that time had reached those areas. In an article in Reader's Digest magazine it was recorded that that there had been a change in the Eblaites' religion during the reign of King Ebrum and that people had begun to add prefixes to their names in order to exalt the name of Almighty God.

      The application of the Ebla texts to specific places or people in the Bible occasioned controversy, focused on whether the tablets made references to, and thus confirmed, the existence of Abraham, David and Sodom and Gomorrah among other Biblical references. - Ebla tablets - Wikipedia

      Evidence for the true faith in historical sources (subtitled)

      Buraq was not an animal but ride of Prophet came from heaven. It means lightning so it was made from light. It is used for Ma'arej (wormholes) to travel great distance and inter dimensional movements with speed of light. As it was heavenly ride so we cannot find earthy archaeological evidence of Buraq.



Happy Birthday 2022-02-02 22:00

  2.2.2022, 22.00 HOURS. LET THEM NOT FORGET THESE NUMBERS. This is a date with a special significance. LET THEM JOT THEM DOWN SOMEWHERE, AN...