Tayyip Erdoğan
Our Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's statement that he
opposes ideologies that regard humans as animals is highly important
ÜRER: Our prime minister has
said that they are “a government opposed to ideologies that regard human beings
as animals.”
OKTAR: A round of applause for
our prime minister. Well spoken, Tayyip Erdoğan. You are a brave man, so why
not just say you oppose Darwin directly? Who are you afraid of? You are not a
man to be afraid of anyone. He said it, but indirectly. The only word he did
not say was Darwin. Excellent, masha’Allah. He is telling the truth. Once you
say that, you will never fall from power. When you say; “I am a supporter of God.
I am against Darwinism and materialism. I long for a Great Turkey. I want
Islamic Unity,” then government is yours. For as long as you want, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 or 10 years. May God make your life productive. Masha’Allah. Excellent.
His enthusiasm is also good. This is an excellent initiative. He has conquered
the heart of the nation. Splendid. Masha’Allah, excellent.
ÜRER: Shall I read what our
prime minister said on the subject?
ÜRER: “Some people have
regarded man as a thinking animal, may God forbid. There have been movements
that have compared man to a machine, a device, an object. As a party we are
totally opposed to such a definition. For us, man is a reflection of God on
earth. Human beings are flesh and bone. But we not regard man as an entity with
material needs alone. It is important to build a base in which everyone can
work and earn.”
OKTAR: He spoke very well. But
sometimes these people fail to understand. They say, “He was not referring to
us.’ Tayyip Erdoğan should put an end to the matter once and for all. He should
say that they deceived the nation for 100 years with Darwinist and materialist
nonsense, but we will prevent any further such corruption with knowledge,
purity and love. We are with him all the way. Speaking for myself, of course. Not
for anyone else. But by God’s leave I am sufficient all by myself.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan may be the greatest leader in the Islamic world in
ADNAN OKTAR: Our Prime Minister is a talented man. He is very
healthy. He is good at being prime minister. Abdullah Gül is also a most
pleasant and sweet man. He is excellent for the role of president. He is mild
and good natured, pleasant to everyone, affectionate and just about everyone
likes him. Very few people do not like him. That is very significant. He must
carry on as president. May God grant him good health. Our prime minister must
also continue as prime minister. Things are going very well. He will do really
well until 2023. He is in good form, and has no problems. Allah will preserve
him because he desires democracy, because he desires liberty, because he
desires progress and most important of all, because he desires Islamic Unity,
Turkish-Islamic Union, and because he wants affection and compassion. He may be
the greatest leader in the Islamic world in around 2023. His behavior is such
that everyone can like him. Shouting and noise are unimportant, he should not
worry about them. Some people may shout and scream, but subconsciously they
still like him very much and respect him. For example, someone may have a great
car but he still gets angry with it and says, “What do I need a great car for?”
But deep inside he still likes it very much. He may have a fine house but be
annoyed by the lighting. But he still likes it really. Our prime minister must not
be troubles by such noise and shouting. Shouting and noise are also a good
thing. It shows that people loudly demand democracy in Turkey. And also, a
prime minister can make a mistake. If someone shouts and protests he can ask
himself, ‘Have I really made a mistake?” and then pull himself together. Anyone
can make a mistake, can’t they?
prime minister is the greatest leader since Ataturk
ÜRER: In the alleged terror
organization Ergenekon case, Prime Minister Erdoğan made the following
statement about the detained members of Parliament; “Members of the CHP and the
Workers’ Party are causing incitement regarding the detainees in Silivri
Prison. There is no question of their being MP’s in a democratic state. They
want to free people whom they cannot release by legal means by making them
members of parliament instead. This country is a state of law. We will not
debate its superiority.”
OKTAR: Yes, our prime minister,
Tayyip Erdoğan, defied a global psychopathic terror organization, in the name
of God, with the courage that comes from faith, with a courage that nobody has
had since the time of Ataturk. And by God’s leave, he has won. They want him to
free Turkey from such a scourge while they still continue to attack him. That
is very wrong. How many prime ministers ran up against this scourge, this
outfit? They all submitted and were crushed and suffered. Erbakan was aware of
it, but that holy man could do nothing about it. His hands were tied. He knew
that he was up against a terror organization. Demirel also knew he was up
against a terrifying organization. They shot at him, too. But he could not make
a peep, he could not say a word. The late Turgut Özal was aware of this savage,
ruthless and treacherous organization. But he could not even refer to it by
name. Nobody could say anything. But then Erdoğan arrived, in a really heroic
manner. Like Battal Ghazi [an Anatolian warrior], he stirred the whole thing
up. Previous coalition governments were perfectly well aware of it. But they
could not do anything about it. All Turkey trembled in fear of the alleged
terror organization Ergenekon. The organization was so perfidious it was unseen
like satan. I mean, it is here, right under your nose, but you are not aware of
it. That scourge was organized in Azerbaijan, Syria, Iraq and everywhere. Not
only in Turkey. The prime minister destroyed an organization that was running
the entire region. That’s why, solely because of that, no matter what he does,
for that reason alone I say that he is the greatest leader since Ataturk. This
started being heard after I said it first.
KOCAMAN: You said it first.
ADNAN OKTAR: Of course. The economy
can sink, but he has resolved the most crucial issue. But there is also no
question of that, as the economy is also going really well. He also revived the
economy and industry. Everywhere was in a state of collapse. Turkey is wealthy
while everywhere else is in economic crisis. [He revived Turkey] within his own
means, of course. I am saying this in comparison. Because wealth is relative,
as you know. As a nation we are therefore morally indebted to Tayyip Erdoğan
for this heroism. We have a debt of loyalty and must watch out for him. The
story he will divide Turkey and all that kind of thing is nonsense. The Turkish
state is very strong and these things should not be taken seriously. Because
Turkey is a giant, and will not be troubled by fleas. There could be 2000 or
3000 fleas, but fleas are not going to trouble a camel. That is why we should
avoid saying things that might discourage Erdoğan. Though he is stubborn and
will not be discouraged. Tayyip Erdoğan is good and obstinate. He is very
proud. If you ask me how I know, I do know. God manifests that attribute of his
very well. He took his stubborn conception of politics from Erbakan. Erbakan
was blessed and very obstinate. Once he got a bee in his bonnet, by God’s
leave, he would stick at it until he got results. He was very sweet in that
respect. A normal person would give up. He would get tired and give up. The
Cyprus action happened because of Erbakan’s hard work. Ecevit was very soft-hearted.
He was very timid. He was not strong enough to decide on war. He was very
sensitive. Such a decision was impossible. The action was organized by Erbakan
together with the General Staff. Erbakan told them to go in, and they did.
Simple as that. The late Ecevit was easily influenced. But Erbakan was not like
that. He was very brave. He did not worry about the press or anything. But he
was unable to oppose the alleged terror organization that strongly in the
coalition government. He did the rational thing and glossed matters over. They
told him, “There is this secret organization in the state.” But he just said,
“What are you talking about?” He glossed over it. He was right. They would have
crushed. That sadistic organization was determined to crush the state. The
state’s judges need to be supported against the threats made to them. The
nation needs to watch over them. It must watch over the police and the
prosecutors and judges. Our judges are actually very brave, they will not pay
too much attention to them. They will not be affected by shouting and
screaming. But there does seem to be pressure on them. That must not be
allowed. Because if the judicial system is frightened and intimidated there
will be no judicial system. And if that goes, Turkey will fall, may Allah
forbid. The judicial system must stand bolt upright. But of course we must also
be on our guard against injustice in the judicial system. There can be no
question of having a weak judicial system but nobody interfering with it. You
need systems to control the judicial system. I have said this before. You need
judges to control the judicial system, don’t you? Supervisory judges. A judge
is not God, may Allah forbid. A judge must be able to control everything.
Frivolous cases must not be allowed. But proceedings must be brought if a judge
makes a blatant error. No proceedings can be brought now. That must be changed.
There should be a delegation of 10 judges so you can say, “Look, this judge has
made this blatant error here.” Then the 10 judges will be able to say, “That is
right. Let proceedings be opened.” But cases must not be brought solely to wear
judges down, of course. The delegation of judges must determine that. It is not
hard to tell. But the current structure also rejects those that are well-based
in fact, as well. There is a blatant error made, but proceedings cannot be
brought. That needs to change. People cannot state their case. They cannot say
what they want to in their defense or on other matters. They have come up with
this idea of secret witnesses. They can bring people in off the streets. Secret
witnesses. You pay them money and they talk. “You must go and evidence but your
name and identity will not be made public.” You produce three such witnesses
and get them to talk. Then you sentence someone to 20 years in prison. While
they walk around free. That is no good. People need to have the ability to
object to such things. But that is just my opinion. Apart from that it is very
wrong to try and intimidate a judge. We need to be careful about that.
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