The conflicts with Syria should be resolved amicably and peacefully
Turkey should not fight but unite with Syria and work for the Islamic Union
The massacres in Syria is a result of the socialist-communist ideology
- What should be done to resolve the problems with Syria and the neighboring countries?
- How has the Darwinist communist state of mind hurt the Arabic people?
- What does Mr. Adnan Oktar think about all this?
One of the most effective tools of the antichrist to hurt Muslims is causing conflicts amongst Muslims and turning Muslims against each other. Although the real threat for the world is ideologies like Darwinism, Materialism and Communism, some Muslims are swayed by the antichrist to go against their own brothers and even fight them. The antichrist, using this method, aims to wipe the Muslims off the map of the Middle East and bring its own communist system in place of them. The recent crisis and the not-so-amicable attitude of Syria towards Turkey, and our plane being shot down, are all a part of this sneaky plan of the antichrist.
Any retaliation against Syria will give the antichrist what he wants
Some people claim that Turkish plane being shot down has undermined the authority of Turkey; and being a great country it should retaliate in such situations. They think that the efforts of Turkey to remain peaceful shows Turkey as a weak country. Needless to say, all these thoughts serve the antichrist's purpose of more bloodshed and getting Muslims to kill each other and therefore shall never be considered.
First of all, any retaliation against Syria could lead to catastrophic results for all sides. Syria is a part of the communist bloc, and should there be an attack, China and Russia will rush to its aid, which will be very dangerous.
On the other hand, any retaliation against Syria will put our country in a difficult position in the fight against PKK terrorism. It is a known fact that Syria is a part of the communist state dream of the terrorist PKK. If Turkey engages in a war, this could be a step towards their communist dream, which they haven't been able to achieve so far. The regions of Syria close to Turkey will be an ideal base for the PKK, just like in the case of Northern Iraq. Indeed, this is demonstrated by the current support of the terrorist PKK for the ongoing massacres in Syria and how they build their camps on the Syrian-Turkish border.
Such a retaliation will also take a huge economic toll as well. With the war ongoing, industry will come to a standstill, inflation will skyrocket and people will get poorer. So anyone criticizing Turkey for being peaceful and amicable and inclined to resolve matters through diplomatic means are completely wrong. Anyone claiming that retaliation is the best option is clearly mistaken as these ideas will do nothing but hurt our country.
The steps to be followed for peace in Syria can be summarized as follows:
The current Syrian administration should immediately step down and a new coalition government should be formed:
Today, Syria is a part of the communist bloc and since it sides with China and Russia, it is under the close scrutiny of NATO. NATO sees communism as a huge threat, and for good reason, and therefore is uncomfortable with the regime in Syria and wishes to put an end to it. Therefore, it would like to see Turkey in this plan, too.
NATO is right to want to see the end of communist regimes, but their methods are all wrong.Surely, Turkey will support NATO’s efforts to make Syria a democratic country. However, Turkey will not do anything that will push it into a war with Syria. First of all, Syrian lands are old Ottoman lands and that makes Syrians our very own brothers and sisters. Turkey will never do something that could hurt Muslims and will never allow something like that to happen, either.
It is obvious that the current administration is a dictatorship and that there is no democracy in Syria. Therefore the communist administration should step down immediately. Following that, a democratic election should be held where people can freely vote. After a coalition government victory, different groups will be represented in the parliament and Syria will get genuine democracy.
Military and Economic Sanctions against Syria will be an effective method:
Resorting to retaliation and declaring war as soon as we have a problem with a neighbor can never be the solution. Instead of that, we have to work through reasonable methods to ensure peace and brotherhood. First of all, the communist mafia that’s troubling the Syrian government and people should be eliminated. Syria must be blockaded by sea and land, and economic sanctions should be applied against Syria. Such a practice will destroy the resources of the communist mafia troubling Syria. Another solution could be arresting and trying all those people in Syria which are causing all this fighting there. But the problem should be solved without tormenting either party.
Turkey enjoys the blessings of the Mahdi system and every time it had a problem with its neighbors, it was always resolved amicably and peacefully. And, by the leave of Allah, it will be like that in the future.
The Russian support for Syria should be prevented through peaceful methods:
Our plane being shot down and the Muslim blood in Syria, is also on the hands of the Russians. The approach of Russia, which is a part of the bloc that contains Syria, is crucial.
For this reason, it’s very important that our Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan meet the Russian president Vladimir Putin. Indeed, recently Putin partially withdrew its support for Syria and that's good. Turkey and Russia had always been close allies. But if this changes, and if Russia supports communist regimes and its supporters in Syria, this could impair Turkish-Russian relations. This could also tarnish the image of Russia in the world’s eyes.
Russia should immediately stop supporting Syria, otherwise Russia will be an accomplice to the massacres, cruelty and atrocities going on in Syria.
Russia is known as a Muslim friend and President Putin is usually known for his friendly attitude towards Muslims. Hence, it will be expedient for our Prime Minister to see Mr. Putin one more time and persuade him into stopping his support for Syria. This, by the leave of Allah, will help put an end to oppression on Muslims in Syria and the reckless and violent attitude of Syria towards its neighbors.
On top of that, Russia should keep in mind that Turkey is a crucial ally. It is vital that President Putin is on the side of Turkey, and that he talks about his desire for Islamic Union and that he wants Russia as a part of Islamic Union too. Thus, Russia will be protected by a strong military pact, Russians will live with peace of mind and with good living standards. Their military expenses will drop and Russians will finally enjoy a beautiful life.
So the solution is very easy: a legitimate election should be held in Syria, with the support of Russia and the party with the highest votes should lead a coalition government. A peace force should be built under the lead of the Republic of Turkey and Syria and Turkey should join.
Now it’s time to be brothers and sisters, friends.
Bashar al-Assad should leave Syria and be taken to a safe place:
The communist regime in Syria is an antichrist structure and Bashar al-Assad and the government are just the pawns of this deep state. Just like in the case of Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, the deep communist state is responsible for the massacre of those people. However, the deep state and its pawn, which in this case is the Syrian administration, will come down with the manifestation of one of Allah’s names ‘Jabbar (The Compeller)’. However, Bashar al-Assad and his family, to avoid the fate of Saddam Hussein, should immediately step down and leave their country peacefully and safely, under the protection provided by Turkey. The assets of Assad should also be delivered to him fully and Turkey should provide a safe shelter for him and his family. This is the only way for the Syrian people, and Bashar al-Assad and his family, to enjoy peace and safety.
Turkey and Syria engaging in a war will be mutually destructive. It is illegal for a Muslim to fight another Muslim. It should be kept in mind that war leaves behind only lost loved ones, burnt down mosques and destroyed houses. The century we are living in is the Mahdi century. Being brothers and sisters is the only way that befits the both countries. Actually, the foundations of this brotherhood and friendship were laid in our history. The Syrian lands were previously a part of the Ottoman Empire and the people lived there safely and comfortably and with peace. The state of Syria is actually an old Ottoman province, of which the current borders were drawn by the British by the help of rulers. For this reason, all Syrians are actually our brothers and sisters. The way to put an end to this deceptive war game of the antichrist lies on these historical foundations, and Turkey and Syria should join as the first step of the Islamic Union, and Turkey should welcome its brothers and sisters there with open arms. As a part of this, visas and passports should be left and there should be free movement between the two countries.
Islamic Union is the only solution in which people of the both nations will find peace and happiness. As per Allah’s promise, our Lord will definitely build Islamic Union. The important thing is working to make this happen before more people get hurt, before more time is lost.
First of all, Turkey and Syria joining together will be a holy step that suits the morality of the Qur'an. Muslims, seeking refuge in Allah from the accursed satan by saying ‘Ya Allah Bismillah’ and coming together will be source of great joy, as this will be the beginning of the duty that is incumbent upon all of us. Our Lord tells us about this fact with the following verse, in which He commands all Muslims to be a single group of brothers and sisters:
This nation of yours is one nation and I am your Lord, so worship Me. But they disagreed and split into different sects. Each one will return to Us (Surat al-Anbiya, 92-93)
“Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate. Remember Allah’s blessing to you when you were enemies and He joined your hearts together so that you became brothers by His blessing. You were on the very brink of a pit of the Fire and He rescued you from it. In this way Allah makes His Signs clear to you, so that hopefully you will be guided. ‘ (Surah Al ‘Imran, 103)
“The faithful are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have taqwa of Allah so that hopefully you will gain mercy.” (Surat al-Hujurat, 10)
“Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast.” (Surat al-Anfal, 46)
“Those who are disbelievers are the friends and protectors of one another. If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption.” (Surat al-Anfal, 73)
ADNAN OKTAR: ... Wreaking havoc in Syria would not be a reasonable move. It’s our land, our people, our brothers and sisters, are we supposed to go and bomb them?! Why would we do something like that? There is a deep state there and it has to be eliminated. The best move would be joining with Turkey. The best move is building Islamic Union and it is Hz. Mahdi (as) that will do it. (from the A9 TV interview on June 26, 2012 / A9 TV)
Starting from the second half of the 20th Century, a majority of the Muslim Arabic communities were ruled by the Darwinist-communist regimes and organizations. Arabic people in different countries had to live with wars, ethnic massacres, terrorism or tyrannical rulers. The communist revolutions always culminated in instability and poverty. While innocent Muslims got poorer by the year, despite the rich petrol reserves, the administrations and the elite and ruling parts of the society got richer.
Arabic communism held on to the power by bullying people into submission and did this under the pretense of Arabic nationalism. The love, compassion and affection that had reigned throughout the region during the era of Ottoman rule was replaced by the violence, barbarism and tyranny of communism.
In the 21st Century, with the collapse of the Darwinist dictatorship, the Islamic world has begun to wake up and this will culminate in the Islamic Union, by the leave of Allah. When the time set by Allah in destiny arrives, the morality of Islam will reign throughout the entire world and the Golden Age of Islam, awaited for centuries and described by the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), will begin.
When Allah’s help and victory have arrived
and you have seen people entering Allah’s deen in droves,
then glorify your Lord’s praise and ask His forgiveness.He is the Ever-Returning.
(Surat an-Nasr, 1-3)
The only reason for the current turmoil Syria is going through at the moment is that regular Muslims are forced to follow the ways of communism. Although the current civil war is depicted as a sectarian problem by the media, there is actually a fight going on in Syria between the communists and the Muslims. Syria has been run by a Marxist-communist state of mind since the time of Hafez al- Assad. That makes Syria one of the foremost representatives of Arabic socialism.
It’s a known fact that the Hafez al- Assad administration had very close ties with the Soviet Union, and banned supporting any ideology other than the communist ideology of the Ba'ath Party. All Islamic movements were limited and Islamic leaders were arrested and martyred and Muslims were tortured, oppressed and bullied. Hafez al- Assad and his brother Refad al- Assad massacred 40 thousand Muslims in Hama and Homs, Syria in 1982. The current massacres performed by Syrian forces led by Bashar al-Assad, son of Hafez al- Assad, proves that the socialist-communist ideology has never left.
Assad should leave Syria and there should be a coalition government in Syria
ADNAN OKTAR: NEGOTIATIONS WITH SYRIA SHOULD START IMMEDIATELY AND WE SHOULD BRING ASSAD TO TURKEY WITHOUT OFFENDING HIM OR MAKING HIM FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE. There can be some of his people in the new government too. But there should be a coalition government. Let’s open the borders, let’s get rid of all those visas, passports etc. Let’s join with Syria.
SYRIA, ALEPPO, DAMASCUS, THEY ARE ALL OUR FORMER LANDS, OUR FORMER PROVINCES. WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH OUR PROBLEMS AMICABLY, IN A FRIENDLY MANNER. A delegation from Turkey should go to Damascus and start talks there. They should say, ‘All these things happened, things got complicated, if you stay in power it will only make things worse. But no one wants to hurt you or insult you. Come to Turkey in a dignified manner, then later, you can go back to your country with protection. But at the moment, things are complicated.’ A coalition government will be formed under the supervision of Turkey. The parties will be called to calm down. We all want Islamic Union, right? LET’S MAKE THE FIRST STEP FOR ISLAMIC UNION. OTHERWISE IT’S ALWAYS A DISASTER. THEY WANT TO TURN TURKEY AGAINST SYRIA. THERE WON’T BE ANY WINNERS IF SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAPPENS. IT WILL BE ILLEGAL AND TYRANNY, THAT’S ALL.Such a shame. There are historical beauties in both sides. There are bothers and sisters in both sides, there are believers, Muslims on both sides… LET’S UNITE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE MAHDI SYSTEM. (A9 TV, June 23, 2012)
Many Muslim countries were not ruled by Islamic morals during the 20th Century. The administrations were usually Darwinists, communists and totalitarians. Military staff was also trained to be communists. In other words although they are Muslims, those countries are no different from the former Soviet Union or Eastern Bloc countries. The region is poor and underdeveloped but it’s not because the region is Muslim, which is what the Darwinist-Materialist circles have been trying to tell the world. It’s because people have stopped practicing real Islam due to the communist state of mind prevalent in the region. And now the administrations and people in the region have begun to rid themselves of the effect of the Darwinist-communist education.
2012-09-10 21:34:21
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